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“The ItCounts community has read and seen!”: we need you to expand our books and movies recommandations!

ItCounts lauches a rallying call to its community for a new e-learning tool!



Help us gathering contents for one of our new e-learning tools “The ItCounts community has read and seen!”. This tool aims to recommend books, magazines and movies. If you have read or seen an interesting work about ItCounts problematics (gender parity, but also big data, open data, citizen sciences), you can propose us a very short review of it!

There is no definitive format for the review. It can be constituted of a summary of the work with a presentation of the problematic approached, the strong and weak points of the work, an explaination of why you recommend this work and to who this work is addressed. Feel free to add any element that seems relevant for you! Please, do not forget to mark the work’s references: title, author, date of publication or release, the publishing house’s name, the collection’s name, the price if there is one.  And in order to get people interested in your review, add some pictures to illustrate your work!

You can send us your review to the following ail address: itcounts.app@gmail.com and we will be very pleased to read you and publish you. Please, advise us in your email if you agree in publishing your first name and family name or just your first name in the review. We care about letting the community know that it is your work! 🙂




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