Why ItCounts?
#genderequality #invisiblebias #citizen
In Europe women represent 33% of the european scientific community, in the USA about 5.12% of airline or commercial pilots are women, and in the world 86% of the business angels are men. Today we know that a lack of gender equality in sciences, business, politics, arts or medicine has big consequences for society as a whole, so it’s time for change! However the debate about representation in diverse fields between men and women often becomes heated or seems reserved to experts. More than ever we need a tool that is objective, quantitative, and easy, to talk about gender equality.
What is ItCounts ?
#crowdsourcing #count #sexratios #app
ItCounts is a community of people who want to make gender equality a reality in everyday life. The main tools of the community are an app and a website that allow every user to report sex ratios in professional and personal life in less than 2 minutes, to share and analyse them to learn from data, and bring concrete solutions to observed numbers.
What to do with the data collected by ItCounts ?
#opendata #datavizualisation #researchaction #diagnostic #sensibilisation
ItCounts data is available to be downloaded free by anyone on the website itcounts-app.org allowing anyone to analyze it easily; ItCounts is part of the open data movement.
The counts collected by the users will be used to:
- make people more aware of gender equality issues by publishing infographies every month based on the data
- diagnose specific institutions, companies and disciplines to help identify inequalities everywhere
- promote actions in favor of gender equality by spotting, underlining and sharing good practices with the involved community
- create knowledge and an active community by developing research projects and sharing our findings
Who is behind ItCounts
ItCounts is a project created and implemented by a french Non Profit Organization , WAX Science that promotes stereotype free science through creation and dissemination of innovative tools.
If you’re interested in WAX Science, please contact us : contact@wax-science.org
Facebook : ItCounts app
Twitter : @itcountsapp
App available on the stores : ItCounts
Website : itcounts-app.org
Email : contact@itcounts-app.org
You can download ItCounts presentation here !